locks I gave it a try, as I was showering I realised all was not well, my hair felt quite heavy, on drying it looked limp and lifeless, weighed down by the oil and I was really disappointed with the results, boo!I turned to Twitter, and tweeted VO5 and the #bblogger network to ask where I might get their Hot Oil to put my locks back on the right path. They replied that I should head to Superdrug, so I did, but VO5 also
kindly offered to send me their shampoo and conditioner to make sure my hair has it’s daily boost of clean and shine. One week on, the postman’s knock came, I headed back to the shower and the results are excellent.

I love the vibrant pink packaging and satisfyingly weighty 500ml bottles, the contents really pack a punch and I recommend starting your new haircare regime with a good dose of hot oil followed by regular use of VO5 shampoo and conditioner, the results are in and here is my smooth look in action at a family photoshoot earlier this week – how funny is Joss’ expression?! Thanks to VO5 for the products and for their ongoing advice on twitter, your team of haircare experts and stylists really know their stuff!