A big first this week, Joss and I baked together for the first time. Whenever we go to town we pop to a popular coffee shop I won’t name and Joss gets an oatmeal apple and raisin cookie. We decided to have a bash at our own minus the apple (it was a just using what we had in the house kinda day!)
Lots of weighing and mixing followed, a bit too much cinnamon was tipped in but we love it so that worked out ok, and in fact the end result was as good as the cafe version if not better!
Here’s Joss doing some mixing
And the finished product
What do you think? Good enough to eat?
I love baking with my kids, we have a lot of fun, and make a fair amount of mess
Those cookies look very tasty! #WhatstheStory
Oh how wonderful! I love the look of concentration on Joss’s face too, just adorable! Those cookies look delicious! Thank you so much for sharing with #whatsthestory
Aw – that is so cute. My boys are much older (12 and 10) – the younger one loves cooking but I am failing miserably to get the older one interested which is odd because he loves food. I will not give up though as the ability to cook, even if only a few things, is so important.
Certianly good enough to eat. You have many years of baking fun ahead.
Looks yummy!Baking with little ones can be great but extra cups of patience are required!
I think baking is a great activity to do together. They sound yummy, perhaps we should try to make them.
Thanks for linking up with Small Steps Amazing Achievements :0)