Saw this on Action for Happiness’ FB page this morning, it just made sense to me, juggling toddler, house, work and study has been a challenge this week! If you’re interested to read about their ten steps to happiness and support their campaign visit
I totally agree. I used to dream of a white picket fence, but have since realized how hard it is to keep the weeds mowed around that white picket fence.
I agree, there is a lot of truth in that. We have a fairy tale life in our heads and when we don’t get it, we think there is something wrong, not good and so we are not happy.
Oh yes, I agree with this. It’s so difficult though to do something without a preconceived notion of how it will turn out…
I gotta be agreed
How it suppose to be ! Says who?
I better listen to my own heart when speaking on how it suppose to be.
This is so true! We usually have way more expectations for ourselves than anybody else would ever think of.
Nothing is perfect. We need to accept that and get past that feeling of needing to have things perfect, to be perfect. I do believe that this gets easier as you get older. “I cling to my imperfection, as the very essence of my being.” ~Anatole France
I think everyone that tries to live life as they think they as supposed to live it, end up missing a lot of happy moments. If you just live in the moment and not worry about what you are “supposed” to be doing by the time you are 30,40, etc you will have a more fulfilling life.
I have to completely agree I always compare myself to just what I think I should be and everything around me should be and it’s wrong I just need to get my head around that though.
I think everyone dreams of how their life is supposed to be. Instead, it is better to dream big and pursue the goals we want and ignore the naysayers.
Yes a reality! THere are all types of people with different behaviors so this is something we must deal with and not expecte what we want, but what it will be.
I must agree here. Dream high, never lower your expectations!
A very truthful but sad truth
I love that quote. It doesn’t alway happen how we think it should happen, but just because it doesn’t doesn’t mean we should give up. It’s almost like the grass is greener on the other side, but guess what? My brother told me this, it just might be because they take better care of their lawn than you do! Dream big and follow your dreams.
The quote is very very accurate. This is a huge cause of unhappiness, feeling like where we are isn’t good enough or how we pictured it. I’m definitely checking on that site, I need lots of help.
You must always follow your dreams and not worry about what others think. Im a big believer in that!
I agree
I also think that you really just need to find the happiness within your life, make it happen. So what if your not perfect or something didn’t come out right. Did you die? Did you get hurt? Do you regret it? So what, you messed up, so what it’s not picture perfect. Point is you DID IT. Right? Find that happiness in doing it, or being able to see that imperfection . Life.. it isn’t perfect and neither are we
I’ve always been a perfectionist so this is the perfect quote for me. Sometimes, it’s important to remember that it’s as perfect as it is going to be.
I LOVE this! I would pin it but I can’t find a button so I shared it on FB.
I so agree with this. I think a lot of people dream how they would love their life to be. I always dream.
So guilty of this! Trying to be perfect and when it’s not I feel sometimes like a failure. I wrote a post not to long ago – Mommy Confessions where I just said how I’m dealing w/the fact that I won’t be perfect, and that is OK!
I defiitely believe this quote to be true. We expect things to be one way because we have this great, flawless picture in our mind. But, in reality, nothing, especially life, is pefect. We have our struggles. And it’s good that we have those struggles because we learn from them and they make us stronger in the end!