The lovely folk at Egmont kindly sent us a copy of Something Special Mr Tumble’s Big Book of Counting to review, Joss is a big fan of lift the flap books and although she doesn’t see a lot of Mr Tumble on TV she recognised him straight away!
This book is great for the stage she’s at, she can recite her numbers 1-5 but doesn’t have the concept of counting yet, so this is a lovely book to start to reinforce some of the skills she has, whilst having fun.
Each number appears on its own on a large colourful page and encourages the child to trace its outline with their finger, which tells me that it’s a book that grows with the child as they learn to recognise numbers and also to write them in time to come, then there’s a short rhyme, followed by a scene under the flap with lots of fun things to count, Joss liked the bakery page best!
As you can see she was a bit excited here, I think it’s that there is something new to spot each time we read the book! With bright colours and thematic pages this would make a lovely gift for a toddler regardless of whether they have seen the Something Special show or not, I love the size too, large enough to sit together on the floor or sofa and have a really good pore over the pictures to see what we can spot.
Thanks Egmont and Mr Tumble!
Disclaimer: We were sent a copy of this book to review, all views are our own.
I’m linking this into Read with Me, as I haven’t picked up anything but uni books this week! Hope to have time to start my novel next week!

Fab review!! I think Gracie would love this book. Thanks for linking up with #ReadWithMe I have tweeted and pinned this post. Hope you can join in again next week x
I think I’d have a fan of this book here! We love Mr Tumble!