Thanks to the lovely Hannah at Mumsdays who nominated me for a Liebster Award!
A Liebster Award is an award for bloggers, a way to say, hey, I like your blog! It’s a bit like a chain letter, I answer 11 questions from Hannah and then nominate more bloggers with less than 500 followers to answer my 11 questions, here goes!
What is in your handbag right now? (no taking that half a kitkat out)
My purse, phone and keys, a pair of Joss’ socks, some almonds, a diary and many, many sweet wrappers that need to go!
Why did you start blogging?
I started out blogging 18 months ago as a way of keeping a record for my little girl, I wanted to track our journey through parenthood and I’ve always enjoyed writing so it was a way of keeping my mind busy and engaged during maternity leave. I am one of these people who have many varied interests but I found taking time out of the world of work freed me up to be a more creative homemaker both in play, cooking and craft; being on a tighter income but valuing eco-friendly approaches meant I had to be even more creative with money, blogging about it all kept me sane!
What do you find most challenging about blogging?
Not being very good at self-promotion! I love what I do but I have to put on my big girl pants to get it out there!
Who is your blog idol? Present company accepted
It’s hard for me to choose just one, I have so many, but I drop into Lulastic… each week, I love her thrift posts but more than that it’s her commitment to honest to goodness writing and eco-living that I really admire!
What’s your favourite – Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest and why?
I get more enjoyment from Facebook but I get so much inspiration from Pinterest that I’d have to choose pinning! I’m here if you’d like to follow me!
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
I’m a real home body and love Bill Quay, it’s my spiritual home the North, but I have family in Holland and it has such a great feel to it that I’d love to be with them more too, I’d live half and half here and there given the chance!
How many kids would you like to have?
I get asked this all the time at the moment – this and, are you planning another! I will sidestep this in the way folks do the sex question in the Guardian, I ain’t telling!
If your house was on fire (and everyone was safe, dog, cat, kids, etc), what would you grab?
Joss’ memory book and my jewellery box would probably be about it, I’m not terribly attached to things in the way I was pre-family life, hubby, dog and kid, the rest would be a nice to have but nothing I’d really be mindful about grabbing!
What’s the best film you’ve seen in 2014 (doesn’t have to be recent!)?
Intouchables, set in Paris the brilliant Francois Cluzet plays an aristocratic quadriplegic looking for a new care assistant, Driss, an out of work street-smart young guy turns up looking for someone to sign his Social Security papers to prove he’s seeking work. Phillipe offers him a trial as his carer and the rest, well you’ll have to see for yourself but it is phenomenally good, phenomenally!
What thing (quote, book, song, movie, idol, etc) get’s you motivated to be the best you can be?
Should I go with a dishonest answer or a cliche?! Before every public speaking engagement, big event/anything where I need a confidence boost (which you lovely lot know I really do not enjoy putting myself through) I put on some music and shake it out, favourites include Lee Moses’ Bad Girl (if you’ve seen the most recent series of Girls you’ll get this even more) Voodoo Child, something really funky! I also have a quote above my desk by Maya Angelou
This applies heavily to the work I do with charities and in supporting them to campaign, both sides have given me strength when I’ve needed it. I also draw a lot of strength from my latest tattoo, it’s no happy accident that I can see it when I’m writing, it spurs me on to stay grounded and says to me “I shall not sink”
What is your signature dish?
I really need to write up the recipe for this, my leek, fennel and potato gratin is my fave thing to eat ever, it’s the most comforting meal, so I love to cook it as I know it’s gonna hit the spot!
So my questions:
1 What do you enjoy most about blogging?
2 Do you have a favourite thrifty tip?
3 What do you like to do to relax?
4 What did you want to be or do when you were growing up?
5 Where do you take your inspiration from for blog ideas?
6 Do you have a favourite song or piece of music and why?
7 Which five people living or no longer with us would you invite to your dream dinner party?
8 What one thing would you tell your sixteen year old self?
9 What’s your biggest blog challenge?
10 What’s your fondest memory?
11 Will you share your favourite ever blog post with me please?
I’m tagging these lovely folks and I hope they’ll accept their award and blog their responses!
Jenny from wethreeplustea a new blog but very entertaining
A blog I came about through Love All Blogs, the very sweet Dorothy Whiskers who writes an online mag for 6-10 year olds which I think is a brilliant idea
and finally for services to recycling and some blooming great ideas Vicky Myers Creations
Thank you! I accepted
Main post is on my Musings Blog as it was more appropriate there
Excellent answers!! I can’t believe you dodged the kid one though – to be fair I didn’t really think about the fact it is very personal and potentially a sore subject, so sorry about that xxx You’re signature dish sounds AMAZING.
I saw Intouchables last year and it was by far the best film I saw. You wouldn’t think a story about a man paralysed from the neck down would be so funny (like hilarious) and so uplifting. Did you know it’s based on a true story? Yeah man!!
I’m also not very good at self-promotion – the main thing I’ve taken from Britmums Live is to get a freaking grip and start asking for more be it help/paid work/whatever – I don’t know what I’ve been doing with my time!! (other than procrastinating/twiddling my thumbs/fannying on/etc). Thanks for accepting your award – very well deserved! xxx